What are the reasons for participating to a GameJam ?
Knowing how to code
To expand your network
Something to learn, whatever the platform (Unreal / Unity)
It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, in these competitions, the important thing is to try and do your best ! During the WonderJam organized by UQAC (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi), the members of the Squad4 team and myself created the game Four For Fort, through which we play in multiplayer with his team against his opponents and whose objective is to finish the obstacles as quickly as possible. Once the finish line is done, the game ends and the team is declared the winner. You can follow in live the position of the opposing players to evaluate your own position.
How to achieve this in a limited amount of time ?
To achieve a game in 48 hours in a team, you need organization, task management and time management. Although the competition is high, it is important to overcome this problem by sharing a state of mutual aid and collaboration. If you have this state of mind, you are made to work as a team!
The goal here is to enjoy the moment with your group and friends, and no matter the timing, whether you are ahead or behind the others, stress will be felt on your work and therefore on the whole game.
What are the next plans ?
The plans is to improve, become more and more efficient while keeping a tight group cohesion and manage to get our name in the finalists ! Our studio being launched, the goal is to compete with a large number of Jams in order to produce a large number of games while improving on the quality of the final renderings.
WonderJam - UQAC 2019
During the 2019 winter session, we participated in UQAC’s WonderJam whose theme was “pressure”. We therefore chose to create a competitive multiplayer game in which two teams compete against each other to finish the fighter’s course as quickly as possible. Four for Fort is a game that requires 4 players and is played in 2vs2, it requires a strong team spirit and a good resistance to the pressure of playing against the opposing team.
Team Building

During the winter 2020 session, we participated in the Global Game Jam 2020 that took place in Montreal at the ETS. Indeed, the theme of this session allowed us to make a fun game, with several levels of difficulty through which the player must repair servers before they fail. In this way, we promoted team development and adaptation to everyone’s taste to make a game that makes everyone want to work on it.
The Global Game Jam in Montreal
The Montreal Game Jam is the Montreal chapter for the Global Game Jam.This event encourages participants from all over the world to create a video game prototype based on a theme over the course of a weekend.
It’s more than 42 800 participants in 108 countries giving body and soul to complete their objectives and 8 606 games were created last year. The organization of the Montreal Game Jam is the union of multiple universities and professionals from Montreal whose mandate is to promote Montreal video game industry.