As for the player’s look and feel of our game world, we install and develop a low poly style in order to create a calm, visually restful but also relaxing atmosphere.
The player is here to explore, follow a story, improve his abilities and have fun in all his activities. The idea of low poly is consistent when you want to give your game a special atmosphere.
Low poly is also a considerable gain in one of the most important criteria in video games, performance. Indeed, the game becomes accessible on more PC configurations and the gaming public is therefore more widespread. It is also a simple way to realize and produce assets quickly but with a good quality result.
Low poly at Wallskors, is an approach that aims to be simple and minimalist in the artistic and visual design of the game. The graphical qualities, the possibilities offered by this method, as well as its ratio between necessary resources and advantageous results make it a not insignificant alternative and it fits well with the general atmosphere of Canadian Traveller.