The first demo of our game has release yesterday and has been successfully tested by our selected testers. 🇨🇦🇧🇪🇫🇷 Therefore, we were able to identify new bugs and adjustments to make, so we can look forward to implement new content and rectifications on the next patches. 🌄🐇
A specific website is under construction for this game, so you’ll be able to find more informations about it ! 👾

want to be part of the next alpha testers ?

If you want to be part of the next testers of the game and then give your feedbacks to the developers, feel free to fill this form, we will contact you as soon as possible in order to give you a steam key of the Beta version of the game that will be released soon.

Canadian Traveller Actual Progress 80%

Thank you to all the Testers Supporters Developers Artists who made this possible

Support the project on KickStarter !

Hey ! Thanks you so much for giving a look to this incredible game ! If you want to know more, please contact the project manager, he will answer all your questions ! Having no other funding than our savings to finance this project, we need you to support the creation of new content and improve the immersive experience of Canada for the player! Thank you for considering a donation !